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Nonbinary | Genderqueer

Learn what it means to be Nonbinary and Genderqueer

What is Nonbinary + Genderqueer

Non-binary and genderqueer are both umbrella terms for a person whose gender identity is not exclusively defined as a man or woman. A nonbinary person may identify as both a man and a woman, somewhere in the middle, or completely outside the gender binary. It should be noted that just because an individual identifies as non-binary, it does not necessarily mean they are transgender. Just the same, a transgender is not immediately non-binary.

Nonbinary Pride Flag

Nonbinary Flag

The Nonbinary Pride Flag was created in 2014 by Kye Rowan. The flag has come to represent the nonbinary community. The flag colors represent:

Yellow - Gender without reference to the binary

White - many or all genders

Purple - gender between or a mix of female and male

Black - lack of gender

​​​​​L​earn​ ​M​ore​

Genderqueer Pride Flag

Genderqueer Flag

The Nonbinary Pride Flag was created by Marilyn Roxie. The flag has come to represent the genderqueer community. The flag colors represent:

Lavender - mixture of blue and pink, represents androgyny. 

White - agender/genderneutral

Light Green - Nonbinary

​​​​​L​earn​ ​M​ore​

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Last Reviewed: November 2023